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About Success DollarsTM
What are Success DollarsTM ?

Success DollarsTM are 'advertising tokens' used to buy advertising spaces on and its related websites. Success DollarsTM can also be used to purchase other products and services provided by our group of related websites. Only registered members can buy Success DollarsTM and use them to advertise on our websites. All Success DollarsTM purchased are non-refundable but are transferable to other members.

How do we calculate Success DollarsTM?

Success DollarsTM are tied directly to the movement of Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). Every 1 point's movement of DJIA is equal to US$0.0001 cent. We set a Base price of US$1 for One Success Dollar when DJIA is at 10,000 points. Therefore, if DJIA is at 8508 points, then One Success Dollar can be purchased for only US$0.8508 cents. However, if the DJIA is at 11205 points, then each Success Dollar is worth US$1.1205.

When do we calculate the value of each Success DollarsTM?

We calculate each Success Dollar based on the DJIA closing every Friday. If there is no trading on a particular Friday the calculation is brought forward to Thursday or the day before if Thursday is also a holiday. The Success Dollar value will be based on the final closing value of DJIA that day and throughout the next seven days.

Why do we tie our advertising rates to the DJIA?

It makes perfect sense to base our advertising rates on the performance of the global economy. As DJIA is often the global barometer of financial health, it is a fundamentally appropriate benchmark for us to price our advertising services. When times are difficult, the cost will be lower to the advertiser, while in times of abundance, advertisers will need to pay a little more for advertising. Of course, in good and testing times there are always performing and underperforming companies. We are just doing our part to quantify a general pricing rate for every company.

The Novelty of Success DollarsTM on our websites

Using Success DollarsTM and tying their value to the stock market creates a reality in today's business environment. It allows business owners, media planners and brand managers to allocate a proper budget by buying Success DollarsTM at their present value for future advertising needs. At the same time, the novelty of this idea will certainly create positive recognitions among the business communities, bringing opportunities for widespread awareness to the participating websites that will ultimately benefit all advertisers. is the first media company to introduce such a creative advertising platform.