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18 Apr


Introduction To
By wisdeo, Category: | About Wisdeo | General

Welcome to -- the place where you will find information and knowledge to help you with your daily life, work and play. is a new breed of knowledge based informational encyclopedia designed for everyone, regardless of age, and for all people from all walks of life.



In you can learn a new skill or upgrade your personal knowledge; see how things are made; gather valuable information, as well as collect information for your project.



At, our goal is to Educate, Inform, and Promote information using a step by step approach through short and entertaining videos to give you what you need when you want it: cutting edge industrial knowledge, workplace guidance, technical skills, personal education, practical family management advice, lifestyle tips, and much more!



Many videos also come with samples and examples to make learning a pleasant and interesting experience. You will find information that are clear, concise and properly categorized.. Our panel of field experts from all over the world will deliver their topics in simple and easy to understand format using Plain English minus all the industry jargons and technicalities. covers thousands of contents, offering knowledge relating to daily living, hobbies, health, business, finances, legal, personal development, education and many other personal interests and information.



Our content experts break down advanced technologies as well as specialties subjects such as aerospace, biotechnology, nanotechnology, semiconductor, photonics, chemicals, solar energy, oil & gas and bring them to you in simple and easy to understand concept.



While enjoying your learning experiences on you can also make friends with others who shared similar interest. Ask the experts or find out latest techniques and what others are learning. You can search and meet people from your own professions or exchange ideas with other veterans; start your own discussion group or join other interesting discussions!


To sum it all up, provides ‘wise information’ via delivery through Online Videos. has adopted the first three letters from Wisdom and the last three letters from Video and promotes through the slogan: WISDOM THROUGH VIDEOS!

So, we invite you to login, click and explore an interactive world that's all your own! And learn something new everyday!

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