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24 Apr


Five Principles of life - Part 3 of 5


Today is part 3 of the 5 principles of life - breath, water, nutrition, movement and life balance.

Each principle must precede the other for true health.  Without breath, there is no life, but in part 1 we discussed how proper breathing is essential to great health.  Have you taken your 5 long deep breaths today?  Water is 2nd.  We are a water balloon.  Water makes up to 70-75% of our body.  Did you have your 2 glasses of water when you woke up this morning?

This week, we discuss the importance of good nutrition.  When it comes to our health, food changes everything.  I think the public is becoming more aware of the importance of healthy eating, but are we making an effort to do so? In the world of convience and busy lives, it is challenging to plan, shop and cook.  As a wife, mother of 3 active children and a business owner, I understand.  But, if we don’t take care of ourselves, no one else will.  So, nutrition must become a priority.  Simple as that!  And, keeping it simple is what good eating is all about.

1. Eat a raw food with every meal.  And what is easier to prepare?  Simply wash, cut, drizzle with lemon, add a fresh herb and voila!

A veggie plate with homemade dip (plain yogurt, a dallop of sour cream, lemon and fresh dill) is often more popular amongst kids & adults than a complex salad.  Everyone loves veggies and dip!

2. Whole Grain is where it’s at.  Choose anything whole grain (not whole wheat.)

3.  Make it homemade - goodies are well good!  We all love ‘em.  But, make it fresh.  Your house will smell delicious, it’s a great way to bond with your kids, guests will appreciate your food.   Bake with spelt or whole grain flour, throw in some ground flax seeds and sweeten with applesauce.  No one will know as they devour your delicious baking.

4. Learn your metabolic type.  Eating to your metabolism is easy once you know your type.  You may need more protein or you may need less protein and more fruits and veggies.  The TWC offers metabolic typing as part of our Nutritional program.  Call today for details.  604.943.8823.

What you put into your body counts.  There are may be needs based on your situation (ie: athletes have needs, allergies and health conditions), but overall, if you don’t recognize it, can pronounce it and if you can’t grow it don’t eat it.  Simple as that.

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