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21 Apr


Making Eggs Easy
By brucetretter, Category: | Western Cooking

"What's the first thing you'd teach someone new to the kitchen how to cook?", I asked on a few online sites last year.  "How to cook eggs," was by far the most popular answer.

Right away, my first priority was to make my first ebook and videos about the easiest and surest way to make eggs.  You can see the videos right here at this site by clicking this link, clicking "Breakfast" in the menu column on the left side of the page, and then clicking "Eggs".  I just noticed that the "scrambled eggs" video isn't yet posted, but it will be soon. 


You can also download the Gotta' Eat, Can't Cook: "Show Me How" Picture Book Cooking - Eggs, Bacon & Breakfast Sausage ebook by clicking the title link.  The book contains easy to follow, step-by-step directions with photographs showing how to make soft or hard boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, fried eggs, a simple omelet as well as the fastest and easiest way to cook bacon and breakfast sausage.


If you already know how to cook eggs, great!  But, if you know someone who needs help, especially visual help, please look at the ebook and videos and pass them on.  They're all about providing practical help.

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