The Mission Statement of my business is:
To provide a space of physical development, renewal and knowledge. To provide an exceptional experience in our community that promotes whole body health through the practice of Pilates, Fitness and Nutrition. These practices are based on the 5 principles of life: breath, water, nutrition, movment and life balance.
This is the 1st of 5 articles on these principles of life.
(an exerpt from Pilates by Rael Isacowitz)
Joseph Pilates wrote: “Breathing is the first act of life, and the last….above all, learn how to breathe correctly.” Breathing is synonomous with life and with movement. It is the link between the body, mind and spirit. One deep breath can promote relaxation, release stress, and bring a smile to one’s face. Everything from the minutest movement to life itself, begins with breath. Breathing is the inner shower that cleanses the body, guides the mind, and rejuvinates the spirit; it promotes natural movement and is the first step to educating the neuromuscular system. Breathing is also a vehicle by which to achieve inner focus, and a path to relaxing the mind and calming the spirit. It is the engine that drives all movement, and it lies at the source of the Pilates method.
Certain muscle groups are recruited during the breath cycle to assist in respiration and therefore must be considered in determining a breathing pattern for a given exercise. For example, we theorize that exhaling during abdominal work maximizes abdominal muscle recruitment and that inhaling promotes extension.
There are different ways to breathe depending on your purpose or goal. In yoga for example, belly breathing is encouraged to aid in releasing tension. When you want to relax, allow your belly to expand as your breathe fully and deeply.
In Pilates, we encourage “back breathing”. This type of breathing is suitable for exercise as it allows the core musculature to remain engaged while we breathe fully and deeply. When you are needing to be strong during sport, lifting or general activities, keeping the core muscles activated will support and protect the back.
Here are some benefits to breathing:
Oxygenates the blood and nourishes the body on a cellular level
Expels toxins from the body
Improves circulation
Improves skin tone
Calms the mind and the body
Encourages concentration
Provides a rhythm for movement
Assists in activating target muscles